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HTS Consulting General Business Terms


- "Affiliate" means any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with HTS Consulting
- "Claim" means any claim or legal proceeding of any nature, whether in contract, tort, breach of statutory duty, or otherwise.
- "Client" refers to any entity to which the Engagement Letter is addressed and whose name is reproduced therein.
- "Contract" means the Engagement Letter (EL) and these General Business Terms (GBT).
- "Deliverable(s)" means any advice, reports, work products, or other outputs identified or described in the Engagement Letter and agreed to be provided to the Client as part of the Services.
- "Services" means the consulting services and Deliverables described in the Engagement Letter.
- "Subcontractor" means any third party (other than HTS Consulting) to whom we may subcontract any of the Services.
- "You," "your" refers to the Client; "we," "us," "our," and "HTS Consulting" refer to Horizontal Thinkers LLP.


About this Contract

This Contract outlines the terms under which HTS Consulting agrees to provide Services to you. Both parties act as principals, and neither party may bind the other to legal obligations without mutual agreement through a validly executed document.



HTS Consulting agrees to provide Services as defined in this Contract. You acknowledge that the scope of the Services is sufficient for your intended purposes.

We may subcontract Services to other third parties or affiliates. However, your contractual relationship is solely with HTS Consulting and we alone remain responsible and liable under this Contract. You shall not bring any Claim against any Subcontractor or any other entity associated with HTS Consulting.

You may rely only on our final Deliverable. If you wish to rely on drafts or oral advice, please inform us so we can provide a suitable written final Deliverable.

**Use and Disclosure of Deliverables**
You shall not disclose the Deliverable(s) or any part of them to any third party without our express written consent, except as required by applicable laws. You will use the Deliverable(s) solely for the purposes specified in the Engagement Letter and shall not use them for external advertising or other business decisions without our prior written consent.


Your Responsibilities

To enable us to provide the Services, you agree to:
1. Cooperate with HTS Consulting by providing timely access to necessary data and information.
2. Ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information provided.
3. Obtain any required consents for the use of any personal or confidential information.
4. Accept responsibility for management decisions and the implementation of our advice.


Our Responsibilities

HTS Consulting warrants to perform the Services in good faith and in a professional manner. We will strive to deliver the Services in accordance with any timelines specified in the Engagement Letter.

**Acceptance of Deliverables**
Unless otherwise specified in the Engagement Letter, any Deliverables will be deemed accepted by you within 10 days of their delivery or when you first utilize them in your business, whichever occurs first.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Contract, including all matters relating to it, shall be governed by the laws of India without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of law in Chennai and their appeal courts.

**Use of Name and Logo**
We may refer to the Services we have performed, to present our experience and credentials along with your name and/or logo for the limited purpose of internal use and/or in proposals to our existing or prospective clients.

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